Holiday Hints!

There are many unique ways Yes You Canvas! can brighten your holiday season:  ChillinNews.jpg

  1. Give Yes You Canvas! gift easy to buy online! They're thoughtful, timesaving gifts for friends, loved ones, teachers, or work colleagues!
  2. Come paint your own holiday decor...we have several seasonal paintings including ones with places for your family's names!
  3. Paint gifts for friends and family...either holiday paintings or our everyday favorites! A gift that costs only $35 (or $20 for kids) will become a priceless treasure!
  4. Schedule a private holiday party for your group or company!
  5. Plan to have your kids paint their gifts this's rare for them to be able to give something personal!
  6. Register your kids so they can paint as a fun activity over their school holidays...many classes are available!GC.jpg
  7. Bring your visiting friends and family to have fun painting with us!